Tuesday 28 June 2016

My First Posting

So glad to be along for the ride. It's very satisfying to be connected to such an inspiring group. My spiritual journey began 16 years ago when I was attracted to a man in an orange robe at a festival. My search was for something but no idea what after many emotionally traumatic years of suffering which resulted in breakdown in health. This particular yogi proceeded to tell me things about myself that he couldn't possibly know in the physical realm. Since then I have been implementing the yoga & meditation practices daily that he taught, culminating in receiving initiation from my Indian guru. My progress took a giant leap 7 months ago when I came into contact with a Soul Mate.  We have shared teachings & insights daily & we have been a source of strength for one another. My understanding of a Soul Mate is one who shows you everything that is holding you back, the person who brings you to your own attention so you can change your life. A true Soul Mate is probably the most important person one will ever meet because they tear down your walls & smack you awake, shaking you up, tearing apart your ego a little bit & showing you your obstacles & addictions, breaking your heart open so new light can get in & open so new light can get in, making you so out of control that you have to change your life.   This happened & recently while on a camping trip in a remote mountainous region I had some sort of awakening. I will describe what happened. I experienced a powerful bliss wave, felt awakened, expansive, heavenly open, spacey, drifting & just wanted to stay in that space. It all flowed, no suddenness or jolting & I merged back into earthly existence really well with a firm inner grip on that awareness, like a secret lover.   I have been practicing Kriya Yoga recently & observe the energy flows in the body with the activating flow of the Kundalini energy opening all the spaces in the body to joy & freedom. Words are unable to describe the fullness of such experience. My daily relationship with life :  flowing, rather than controlling.   I look forward to keeping up with the readings on your wonderful site.  Much Gratitude & Blessings to everyone